Open Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year is now open. Admissions Process
Elementary Open House Secondary Open House
Seeking energetic and qualified teachers.
Conveniently located in Stafford, VA.
Our Elementary program balances academic rigor and a nurturing environment where students are encouraged to grow academically and spiritually.
Our Secondary program balances academic rigor with caring teachers in a positive classroom environment that integrates Biblical truth.
Grace Preparatory School is a fully accredited, non-denominational, K4-10th grade school offering families a Christian, college-preparatory education in a warm, community environment. Our intentionally crafted educational model includes three central classroom days and two satellite days all under the supervision of a qualified educator. In addition, GPS Ministries is incorporated in the state of Virginia as a non-profit ministry.
According to a 2011 Harvard study titled “Pathways to Prosperity,” just 56 percent of students who embark on a bachelor’s degree program finish within six years. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, just 46 percent of Americans complete college once they start, worst among the 18 countries it tracks.
Although various factors are cited for the college drop-out problem, educators, parents, and graduates who have been involved in the University-Model® believe the following about the UM alternative model of education
Grace Preparatory School passionately pursues three primary purposes: To provide a Biblical foundation, to prepare each student for life, and to emphasize the parent’s role.
Celebrating 15 years of educating and witnessing to the future.
In August of 2003, a group of Christian families from Stafford met together to discuss the need for a new alternative in education for their community.
In January, Grace Preparatory School was officially incorporated.
Grace Preparatory School classes open in August 2004 with grades 6-10.
11th Grade was added for up and coming 10th graders and new students.
Grace Preparatory school has first graduating class.
Kindergarten was added as an option.
Warrior challenge raised over $40,000 for gynasium renovation.
Kirsten Sadlier is named as Head of Elementary and Pam Smith is named Head of Secondary.
Christine Green is named as Head of Elementary. Covid-19 forces classes into virtual environment.
Cheryl Gray is named as Head of Secondary. Classes return to a normal MWF program.
Jennifer Hanes is named Head of Administration
Adreka Archie is named Head of Secondary
Cheryl Gray named as Superintendent
Grace Preparatory School offers 3 payment plans: Full Tuition, 2 Payments, or 10 Payments.
$5,411 Base Fee
$100 Technology Fee
$30 Yearbook Fee
$25 Science Fee
5% Discount for each additional full time student
Other fees Registration, Textbooks, Athletic Fees, PE and School Uniforms
Financial Aid Awarded based on need and availability.
$6,941 Base Fee
$200 Activity Fee
$125 Technology Fee
$50 Science Fee
$20 PSAT for 8th-10th Grades
$1000/year per Class part-time students up to 2 classes
$100 Part-Time Student Administrative Fee